Thursday, April 7, 2011

Learning French

I have been very inspired by Anna Marie's account of a Korean woman who made it all the way from Le Puy en Velay with only a few words of French. I did spend 5 years at school learning French, but that was a very long time ago and I learnt it more as a written than a spoken language. On my previous caminos I learnt both Spanish and German in university classes in my lunch hour but found that it took a few weeks for me to begin to be able to understand the languages and that I was never able to speak the languages with any real level of fluency. This time I haven't had time for classes but was able to load up an old iPod of Anna's  with 80 free podcasts from Coffee Break French  (lots of fun..French with a Scottish accent, I can now buy haggis in French!!)  and Daily French podcasts and listen as I walk. I have also managed to find some online games to help me learn numbers.  Watch this space to see if I manage to retain and use anything I have learnt!