Monday, May 30, 2011

And even more low pixel photos

But don't worry..I suspect that this is probably the last wifi for somee time so will probably revert back to other camera and wait for internet access.
In the relative cool of the early evening I have just been to climb St Michel d'Aiguilhe, a stone chapel built on top of a volcanic plug or "puy". It was a good workout. for my calf muscles climbing. the catedral it is built over the stone remains of an earlier pre christian church , possibly roman..noone knows.
Thank you everyone for your texts.Please congratulate Abdi for me!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're having a fantastic time - I'm quite jealous.

    Have passed on your congrats to Abdi. We haven't seen any photos yet, but she was 7lb8oz.

    Happy tramping...
