Friday, June 24, 2011


Finally..bars that really do have wifi!

Diary week 4 23 June

Castet Arrouy to Marsolan. Nice gentle walk to Lectoure where I was able to leave my pack at the tourist office and do a quick explore. Lovely dark cavernous cathedral with stained glass ..although have seen so many they are beginning to merge. Found the sports bar and got a few minutes free wifi..just enough to cut and paste diary into blogger and check email then on to Marsolan.Cool day although much hotter expected over weekend. Walking through fields of wheat and sunflowers with lots of tiny ripe Mirrabelle plums.  Met Brazilian man who has been walking from Poland, sleeping out in a tent the whole way.
Good dinner outside at Marsolan and am beginning to understand some of the after dinner conversation..always easier to understand Swiss Regula when she speaks french rather than the french themselves ..I suppose she speaks slower eith fewer colloquialisms. Regula, Marie Helene and I in a room with a French man Daniel.

Friday. 24 June. Left early straight after breakfast and as usual was slowly passed by everyone.I used to blame my short legs but many of these women are shorter than me so that can't be it. One man tried to talk about "le rugby" ..but as always got little response ftom me..I was not well prepared for this walk! I skipped the detour to Le Romieux so had very short walk tofay and arrived in Condom by 12.30. It was supposed to be 31 C. but felt less. Gite (Gite le Champ d'Etoiles)is lovely..tiny balcony off the and white panelled rooms and large garden for washing. Could do with an English has been several days now although Regula speaks a little.


  1. I reckon being passed by everyone is a great place to be anyhow: you get to meet more people that way! If you walk at an average pace you are always in sync with the mob, and don't get to meet so many. Yeah for us slower walkers!

  2. I think I did offer to coach you in "le rugby". I have tried over the years. Water off a duck's back?
