Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A few photos

This is a bit of a lucky dip as the photos are so tiny and slow to load on my phone that I can hardly see them..I think that they are of Conques.


  1. Ahhh yes Conques...... gem gem gem..... I would walk from Le Puy again just to see it!!!

  2. Yes..just said someone the other day that the whole ealk would be worth it just to stay at the Abbey in Conques!

  3. the pics look good and I love reading about your hi-jinx!! Bruce has been reading the blog too and has just found out about the comments feature - so watch out :)

  4. Have googled a few of the places you've mentioned Kay - amazing - its just like a fairy-tale setting. glad to hear you're bearing up and the Francais is coming in a bit handy. Hope everything continues to go well. youv'e probably heard Gita has a baby boy - both well. enjoy your great holiday
    de bRuce

  5. "Holiday". Hahahahhahahaha. From one who has been to the land where for every descent there is an equal and opposite ascent!! (But you have just left the worst of that behind now eh Kay?!)
