Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 3

Diary week 3
Day 15. Tuesday June 14 Limogne en Quercy to Poudaly. It was at the two week mar@k on both my Caminos that I got my first blisters so am trying to be very attentive to my feet for a few days. So far they have been remarkably trouble free. My big toenails were a bit bruised on the first few days with so much monter / descendre but packing them with hikers wool helped
.one still looks a little mottled but is pain free. I didn't have the 10 days of throbbing that I had last idea why..perhaps the cooler weather ..or the anti inflammatories I took for my muscle problems for the first 3 days instead of waiting to see if there was pain. The muscle knots that I had in NZ while training faded after a week or so too, although I had some impressive bruises where I had tried to massage them away. Stayed at Poudally a gem of a drinks in internet snd even Wifi..nice dorm and best shower yet..very nice people and so nice to get email etc.

Day 16. June 15. Poudally to Cahors. Very hot walk over hills covered in wild lavender and mint. Glad of umbrella in 27 C heat. Arrived in Cahors and stopped at Pilgrim booth manned by nice ladies who gave me a cold drink and a biscuit and booked tomorrow nights gite then gave me a map showing me how to find the youth hostel for tonight.Booking in I met Michael from Chch..amazing as I have met so few English speakers let alone people from NZ. Spent a warm afternoon exploring old Cahors..
Beautifl town with lovely cathedral..Full of historic buildings. Have just had dinner and done my best to mislead Michael on how to get out of Cahors tomorrow but I think we have it sussed now. No idea where tonight's wifi is coming just grateful for it!


  1. Now when you reach Moissac, you have to stay at my favourite gite, Moissac. When you ring up to book you will be able to talk to Rom or Aideen in English- as they are from Ireland! And the gite is quite close to the abbey so you can go listen to the nuns sing vespers. I have told Rom to give you a special welcome if you arrive!- but he will anyhow!

  2. Ooooppps the name of the gite is Ultreia.
