Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday 19 June

Diary week 3 b
Day.    Sunday19 Juin After a relaxing morning I was delivered back to Montcuq about 12ish.There was a market covering several streets selling lots of produce and knick knacks and clothes etc..loved the woven market baskets and wished I could have bought some but settled for some cherries instead. After 2 lazy days and the market, the heat and beautiful scenery.. I am walking through sunflower fields and vineyards bordered by poppies and roses and overlooked by medieval perched villages,I was probably drifting along at a much slower rate than usual and was a bit shocked when a man out for a walk told me that it was still 2 hours to Lauzerte. Luckily he walked along with me for about 45 minutes and I picked up my pace as we talked.Hard to believe ..snd probably more a tribute to his patience than my French skills but we had wide ranging discussions covering everything from NZs principal exports to the issues of Miximatosis (sp?). Time passed very quickly and I am now installed at Le Figuier in Lauzerte..seems very nice and even has wifi!

1 comment:

  1. Loved that gite! They were so kind, and I was lucky enough as a 'dame toute seule' to score a double bed inside the house as they were full!! So many interesting towns in this part of France- hope you had a bit of a chance to explore.
